Topical Index of Episodes

This podcast is billed as discussing “Disability, religion, politics, entertainment, and anything else I feel like talking about.” Typically I will do 4 or 5 episodes on a topic and then switch to something else. Sometimes I throw in a political rant. To help you find the topics that interest you, I’ve categorized them into this index. Enjoy!

Disability Issues

Because my disability affects every aspect of my life, the topic appears in nearly every episode. But this grouping are episodes specifically about disability issues such as ableism, social justice as related to disability, disability rights etc.

In April 2023, I made a presentation at the PATINS Assistive Technology Expo in Indianapolis accompanied by my friend Bill Binko founder of AT Makers. The presentation was titled “Assistive Technology – Gateway to Disability Rights.” I recorded the episode for YouTube. The presentation included a PowerPoint slideshow. To make this presentation listenable, I added some audio descriptions of the slides and photos but I still encourage you to watch the YouTube version of this presentation which I turned into a special episode of the podcast.

My Faith Journey

I was raised Roman Catholic. I quit participating in my late teens. I returned to the church in my late 20s and have been active ever since. In this series of episodes I chronicled my faith journey from my earliest memories of the church, through the reasons I left. I cover what I did while I was away and what drew me back.

I already told you I grew up Catholic, left the church, came back, and became heavily involved again. Here is more detail about my life of ministry in my local Catholic parish. It focuses on my efforts to computerize their record-keeping system and my work on the parish finance committee.

School Days

From kindergarten through high school, I attended Indianapolis Public School #97 James E. Roberts School for the Handicapped. During my high school years, I went part time to the special education school and part-time to my neighborhood high school Northwest High School. Here is a long series of episodes about that experience. Naturally, it includes significant discussion of growing up with a disability so it is of interest to those following me for disability related issues.

In 1987, Indianapolis Monthly Magazine published an autobiographical piece that I wrote and it won a major journalism award in its category. Because the article dealt mostly with my experiences at the special education school, I included the story of how I wrote the article in with the narrative of my school experiences. So although it isn’t directly related to my school days, it sets up the next episode in which I read that award-winning article titled “The Reunion.”

College Days

From the fall of 1973 through December 1977 I attended Indiana University – Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI) where I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Sciences. Here are episodes about my college days. Includes stories of lifelong friends I made there and about my favorite teachers as well as the usual struggles of college life.

Movie Reviews and Entertainment

I’m addicted to TV and movies. Part of this podcast is devoted to entertainment. TV and movies not only entertain but they educate, enlighten, and inspire as they hold up a mirror to the human condition. In other words, visual media are a way of contemplating life. Each year I try to see all 10 of the Oscar-nominated Best Picture films and provide a review. Although you can listen to these episodes, I highly recommend you watch the YouTube versions because I’ve included clips from the trailers and the films themselves along with my commentary. I spent way too much time editing these clips so please watch. Here are those episodes.

News and Politics

Along with my addiction to TV and movies, I’m also a news junkie. I never miss the evening news. I watch way too many hours of MSNBC. I’m a bleeding heart liberal Democrat with a deep passion for politics and social justice issues. Here are some episodes about the history I witnessed growing up, my reflections on that history, and my desires for the world to be a better place.